Justice Department Announces Plan to Collect DNA Samples From Asylum Seekers and Other Detained Migrants

Plan to Collect DNA Samples From Asylum Seekers

Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. President Trump has many groups of people that he dislikes – House Democrats, “Never Trump” Republicans, and the “mainstream media”.  Besides these groups, in making a list of the persons disfavored by President Trump, asylum seekers and other detained migrants would also need to be included.  In the latest example of the Trump administration taking action against asylum seekers and other detained migrants, on October 21, the Justice Department announced plans to collect DNA samples from asylum seekers and other detained migrants. As summarized in a “proposed rule” to

Supreme Court Approves Broadened Government Power to Detain Criminal Immigrants

Criminal Immigrants Detained by U.S. Government

Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. If you oppose President Trump’s immigration policies, did you vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election?  One effect of President Trump being elected is that he is able to appoint Supreme Court justices who share his harsh views on immigration.  This point was evidenced in the March 19 Supreme Court decision in the case of Nielsen v. Preap (Case No. 16-1363), which held that the government has a broad right to detain immigrants with past criminal records under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA

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