A non-immigrant visa (“NIV”) is a visa issued to persons with a permanent residence outside the U.S. but who wish to be in the U.S. on a temporary basis. An NIV is most frequently a tourist, business, student, or specialty worker. An NIV travel document allows a person to travel to the U.S. during the validity of the NIV for a specific purpose. Individuals who are traveling to the U.S. for a temporary purpose are classified as “non-immigrants,” since they do not intend to remain permanently. Unlike immigrants, non-immigrants are subject to less numerical restrictions and are more likely to obtain waivers of inadmissibility.
The Law Office of Kameli & Associates P.C. has the experience to successfully file for any NIV. Nevertheless, the most frequent visas requested by clients are B, F, H, J, L, M, O, P, and U.