Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. It has been a generally consistent pattern in U.S. immigration policy during the Trump administration – the Trump administration issues an anti-immigration policy, litigation is filed to challenge the policy, and a Federal court issues an injunction to stop the policy from being implemented. As another example of this occurrence of “government by injunction”, a Federal judge in Oregon has temporarily blocked the Trump administration from preventing immigrants who cannot afford health care from obtaining visas. On October 4, President Trump issued, “Presidential Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry of
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. An often overlooked disagreement in current U.S. immigration policy is between the Trump administration and certain so-called “sanctuary cities” – generally cities that have laws, regulations, policies, or other practices that obstruct Federal immigration enforcement. The Trump administration has sought to restrict certain Federal funding of “sanctuary cities”. However, on October 31, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a preliminary injunction stopping the Trump administration from preventing certain Federal funding of “sanctuary cities”. Specifically, in 2017, as a requirement of receiving a Federal police grant (under the Edward
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. It has become a regular occurrence for the Trump administration to announce a new restriction on immigrant rights. Thus, it is noteworthy whenever the Trump administration makes an announcement that even somewhat expands immigrant rights. Such is the case with the announcement on October 28 that the Trump administration has extended the validity of work permits for El Salvadorans with temporary protected status (so-called “TPS”) through January 4, 2021. As background, TPS allows certain immigrants to remain in the United States and work legally without deportation if during the
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. President Trump has blamed immigrants for many problems in the United States. Therefore, it probably should come as no surprise that President Trump has now generally associated immigration with one of the key issues in the upcoming Presidential election – healthcare coverage. President Trump now seeks to suspend the entry of immigrants who will financially burden the United States healthcare system. On October 4, President Trump issued, “Presidential Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Will Financially Burden the United States Healthcare System” (the “Proclamation”). The Proclamation