Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. One of the common occurrences concerning President Trump’s immigration plan has been a declaration by a Federal judge that a specific immigration policy of President Trump is unlawful. One of the key components of President Trump’s immigration plan is his intent to construct a wall on the United States-Mexico border. However, again, on May 24, a Federal judge declared that a specific immigration policy of President Trump is unlawful – this time blocking the use of certain Department of Defense funds to build the United States-Mexico border wall.
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. For most of the last 20 years, politicians in the United States have discussed the concept of “comprehensive immigration reform” – what most people think of as the adoption of a complete overhaul of the US immigration system, dealing with all of increased border security, illegal immigrants already in the country, future legal immigration rules, and other immigration law-related matters, all in 1 sweeping piece of legislation. The fact that this issue is still being discussed in year 2019 evidences that no “comprehensive immigration reform” legislation has yet been
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an immigration program established by President Barack Obama in 2012 generally to permit undocumented immigrants who came to the United States before the age of 16 to avoid deportation and receive work permits for a period of 2 years, renewable upon good behavior. President Donald Trump has sought to rescind DACA. On May 17, the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals joined the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (which had ruled on November 6, 2018) in ruling that President