Trump administration intends to end use of in-person interpreters at certain immigration hearings

Trump Administration Intends to End In-Person Interpreters

Written by Taher Kameli & Chathan Vemuri  At one time, the famous words associated with the Statue of Liberty – “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” – truly exemplified the attitude of the US government toward immigration.  However, under the Trump administration, these words would appear to describe the immigration policies of another country, as the Trump administration takes action on a regular basis to restrict the rights of immigrants. This point was evidenced again by the news that the Trump

DHS Proposes End Work Authorization for Aliens with Final Removal

DHS Proposes to Cancel Work Authorization For Aliens

Written by Taher Kameli & Chathan Vemuri On November 17, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed a rule to cancel work authorization for non-resident aliens, subject to final removal awaiting deportation.[2] This cancellation of work authorization would specifically apply to those aliens subject to final removal awaiting deportation that has been released from DHS custody but still lack the requisite travel documents needed to deport them from the U.S.[3]    As part of its efforts to further entrench his immigration policy during the home stretch of his Presidency, the Trump Administration

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