Oregon Federal Judge Issues Nationwide Preliminary Injunction Against Trump Administration Policy Denying Visas to Immigrants Who Cannot Show Proof of Health Insurance

Oregon Federal Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction

Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. Among the 3 branches of the Federal government during the Trump administration, immigration policy generally has been characterized by inaction by the legislative branch, anti-immigration policies by the executive branch, and opposition to the executive branch by the judicial branch.  As another example of the opposition to the Trump administration’s anti-immigration policies by the Federal judiciary, an Oregon federal judge has issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against the Trump administration policy denying visas to immigrants who cannot show proof of health insurance. On October 4, President Trump issued, “Presidential Proclamation

Federal Judge in Oregon Temporarily Blocks Trump Administration from Preventing Immigrants Who Cannot Afford Health Care From Obtaining Visas

Immigrants Who Cannot Afford Health Care Can't Obtain Visas

Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. It has been a generally consistent pattern in U.S. immigration policy during the Trump administration – the Trump administration issues an anti-immigration policy, litigation is filed to challenge the policy, and a Federal court issues an injunction to stop the policy from being implemented.  As another example of this occurrence of “government by injunction”, a Federal judge in Oregon has temporarily blocked the Trump administration from preventing immigrants who cannot afford health care from obtaining visas.    On October 4, President Trump issued, “Presidential Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry of

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