By Taher Kameli and Chathan Vemuri In a move that is sure to be welcomed by many in both the immigrant community and law enforcement, the Biden administration has decided as of June 14, 2021 to speed up the process of granting U-Visas some undocumented immigrants who are victims of crime.[1] Under the new policy, the Biden administration will expand access to work permits and deportation relief to certain immigrant victims of crime with pending visa applications.[2] Typically, the Government is only permitted to issue 10,000 U-Visas a year, with the rest of the U-Visa applicants being left on a
By Taher Kameli and Chathan Vemuri On June 7, 2021, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that unlawful migrants in the United States whose presence was permitted by having Temporary Protected Status (TPS) were not eligible to apply for green cards to become lawful permanent residents.[1] This ruling followed a case involving Jose Santos Sanchez and his wife, who had arrived in the US unlawfully during the late 1990s and both of whom were granted Temporary Protected Status after the 2001 earthquakes in El Salvador, when the US made El Salvadorian nationals eligible for that status.[2] In 2014, Jose Santos
Written by: Taher Kameli While President Trump has announced many anti-immigration policies as President, probably his most well-known anti-immigration policy is to construct a wall at the United States southern border. Yet, despite President Trump’s frequent calls for a border wall, various Federal courts have opposed certain actions by the Trump administration designed to help build the border wall. As further evidence of the statement in the preceding sentence, 2 Federal courts have recently issued decisions to block the use of Pentagon funds for President Trump’s border wall. On December 10, in the case of
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. In many cases, the only obstacle to the various efforts by the Trump administration to enforce anti-immigration policies has been the Federal judiciary. However, Federal courts certainly have not ruled in favor of immigrant rights in each case. As an example of a recent Federal court decision in favor of the Trump administration’s anti-immigration policies, the Ninth Circuit supports lifting injunctions against the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule. Announced in August and due to take effect on October 15, the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule would amend U.S. Department of
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. It is often said that the United States immigration system is broken. Unfortunately, there are many different examples, from different perspectives and in different contexts, that can support this statement. As one example of this statement, according to a new inspector general report, the United States lacked the technology to track separated families under the Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance Policy”. In year 2018, the Trump administration, through the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), adopted its “Zero Tolerance Policy” – the prosecution of all adults illegally entering the United States. Because
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. One may think that helping those in need is doing a good deed. However, apparently in the eyes of the Trump administration, when those in need are unauthorized migrants, helping them can constitute a Federal crime. Notwithstanding this apparent perspective of the Trump administration, on November 20, humanitarian aid volunteer Scott Warren was found not guilty of harboring unauthorized migrants in Arizona. Warren, a volunteer for the humanitarian aid group, “No More Deaths”, was arrested on January 17, 2018 by Border Patrol agents. The Border Patrol agents had been surveilling
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. The Trump administration is often criticized for its anti-immigration policies. Apparently, another immigration issue about which the Trump administration can be questioned is how the government agencies that enforce immigration policy internally operate. Specifically, a new inspector general report raises concerns with the internal operations at the Department of Homeland Security (“ DHS ”). The inspector general report, titled, “Major Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Department of Homeland Security”, was issued on November 13. The report states, “Based on our recent and prior audits, inspections, special reviews, and
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. Among the 3 branches of the Federal government during the Trump administration, immigration policy generally has been characterized by inaction by the legislative branch, anti-immigration policies by the executive branch, and opposition to the executive branch by the judicial branch. As another example of the opposition to the Trump administration’s anti-immigration policies by the Federal judiciary, an Oregon federal judge has issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against the Trump administration policy denying visas to immigrants who cannot show proof of health insurance. On October 4, President Trump issued, “Presidential Proclamation
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. It often seems that there is no limit to the policies that the Trump administration will propose to limit immigration to the United States. Not only does the Trump administration implement its anti-immigration policies in the United States, but it also works with other countries to restrict immigration to the United States. As an example of the Trump administration using other countries to help implement its anti-immigration policies, pursuant to an “Asylum Cooperative Agreement” signed by the United States and Guatemala, on November 19, the Trump administration started sending certain asylum
Written by: Taher Kameli, Esq. While the Trump administration has consistently adopted anti-immigration policies, the various states and cities in the United States vary greatly in their views and attitudes toward immigrants. As a result, it is an important decision for immigrants in determining where to live in the United States and trying to reside in a favorable location for immigrants. To help immigrants in making this decision, a new study has ranked Chicago, Illinois as the number one city for immigrants in the United States. The study, released on November 13, was prepared by
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